

   Hello, how are you doing? Golden Week is coming soon so I’m very excited!! This time I would like to describe about “Frozen”. 

Before I describe about this movie, do you know this song ‘Let it go’? This song is sound track in this movie and this it is very popular song in the world right now. Why Frozen is very popular now, because there are several reasons. 

First of all, this movie is Disney movie. Second Frozen received Academy Award in this year. Thirdly sound track became popular and finally Frozen turned out larger audience numbers in box-office proceeds. The movie took over $100 million. Frozen is the best animated movie in worldwide and then Frozen turned out ‘Toy Story 3’. Also it is popular sing along in theatre now so audiences sing together in the theatre. 

I recommend seeing Frozen because those songs are great (I listen to ‘Let it go’ every day). In addition this movie impressed me deeply because story is warm and happy also Olaf who is small snow man in this movie is very lovely and funny! If you still haven’t seen it, please go to movie theater to see ‘Frozen’! J


Real Steel

     Hi I'm Yu, this is my first blog. I would like to describe about movie "Real Steel" at my first blog. 

This movie’s story is about robot fighting and father and son movie. Main characters are Charlie(Hugh Jackman) and his son Max(Dakota Goyo). When Max was younger, Charlie abandoned his wife and son. After many years, they meet again but they don’t like each other. Through the robot fighting they are getting know each other and try to become a real family. 

I recommend this movie especially to teenager because in this movie they don’t like each other at first but they try to get know each other. In real life almost teenagers prefer talk to their friends than their family so I feel spend time with family is decreasing these days. I think this movie is chance to know each other again and I hope everyone feel how family is important. If you have a chance, please see “Real Steel” with your family! You may be cry!
